Please click on the year you would like to see.
October/November 2018
- Tversky, B. Visualising Thought
- Avgerinou, M.D. Toward a Cohesive Theory of Visual Literacy
- Larking, J.H., Simon, H.A. Why a Diagram is (Sometimes) Worth Ten Thousand Words
- Nisbett, R.E. The Geography of Thought, chapter 1: The Syllogism and the Tao
- Nisbett, R.E. The Geography of Thought, chapter 2: The Social Origin of Mind
September 2018
- Hampton, R. and deMartini A. We Cannot Call Back Colonial Stories: Storytelling and Critical Land Literacy
- Kosslyn S,M. Images and the Brain, chapter 11: Mental Images and Mental Representations
- Laborde, C. The Hidden Role of Diagrams in Students' Construction of Meaning in Geometry
- Wilson, F.R. The Hand: How its Use Shapes the Brain, Language and Human Culture, chapter 2: The Hand-Thought-Language Nexus
June/July/August 2018
- Stylianides, A.J. Proving in the Elementary Mathematics Classroom, chapter 2
- Kosslyn S,M. Visual Images in the Brain
- Beard, A. How Babies Learn - and why Robots Can't Compete
- Orey, D.C., Rosa, M. Ethnomodeling: A Pedagogical Action for Uncovering Ethnomathematical Practices
April/May 2018
- Radakovic, N., Weiland, T., Bazzul, J. Transdisciplinarity, Critical Mathematics Education, Eco-justice, and the Politics to Come
- Reuell, P. Making Math more Lego-like
- Gerofsky, S. Mathematics and Movement
- Stavrou, S.G., Miller, D. Miscalculations: Decolonizing and Anti-Oppressive Discourses in Indigenous Mathematics Education
March 2018
- François, K. The Untouchable and Frightening Nature of Mathematics
- Rumelhart, D.E., Schemata: the Building Blocks of Cognition
- Jaffe, A.M, Liu, Z. Mathematical Picture Language Program
- MacLeans Editorial. 2018: Rise of the Robots
February 2018
- Rubel, L.H. Equity-Directed Instructional Practices: Beyond the Dominant Perspective
- Marfori, M.A. Informal Proofs and Mathematical Rigour
January 2018
- Exerpts from Gutierrez, Political Conocimiento for Teaching Mathematics
- Malik, K. In Defense of Cultural Appropriation
December 2017
- Hemmings, J. Crafting Words
- Markus, G. Am I Human? Researchers Need New Ways to Distinguish Artificial Intelligence from the Natural Kind
November 2017
- Crowley, M.L., The van Hiele Model of the Development of Geometric Thought
- Thompson, K.M. Maintaining Integrity in an Interdisciplinary Setting
September 2017
- Bender, J.B., Marrinan, M. The Culture of Diagram. Ch. 2
- Exerpts from Presmeg, N., Radford, L., Roth, W.-M., Kadunz, G. Semiotics in Mathematics Education
June 2017
- Boud, D. Using Journal Writing to Enhance Reflective Practice
- Forde, C. The Concept of Reflection: an Introduction
April-May 2017
- Rodgers, C. Defining Reflection: Another Look at John Dewey and Reflective Thinking
- n.a. Reflection, Learning and Education
- n.a. Reflection
- Kinds of Judgment and Analysis (Adapted from Tripp)
February 2017
- Oyman, N.R. Needleweaving Ethnic Ornaments (Jewellery)
- Reid. D. Elements in Accepting an Explanation
- Radford, L. The Seen, the Spoken and the Written: a Semiotic Approach to the Problem of Objectification of Mathematical Knowledge
January 2017
- Alangui, W. Searching for Mathematical Ideas in Stone Walls
- O'Sullivan S. The Aesthetics of Affect: Thinking Art Beyond Representation
- Caglioti, G. Cognitive Power of Visual Images
- Reid, D. Proof in Mathematics Education. Ch. 5
- Baracs, J. Development of the spatial perception with help of projections
- Giaquinto, M. Visual Thinking in mathematics. Ch. 4-5
- Gauntlett, D. Making is Connecting. Ch. 2
- Reid, D. Proof in Mathematics Education. Ch. 1-2
November 2016
- Omiunota N.U. How Do I Teach Mathematics in a Culturally Responsive Way?
- Kulpa, Z. Main Problems of Diagrammatic Reasoning Part I
- Stachel, H. Descriptive Geometry—Vision Guided Spatial Reasoning
- Reed, M. Evely, A. How can your research have more impact? Five key principles and practical tips for effective knowledge exchange
October 2016
- Arnheim R. A plea for Visual Thinking.
- Avigad, J. review of Visual Thinking in Mathematics: An Epistemological Study
- Henderson, D. and Taimina, D. Historical Strands in Geometry
- Knoll, E. and Reid, D. Beauty in Mathematics and in Art
September 2016
- Cocchiarella L. Working with the Image: Description Processing Prediction
- Giaquinto, M. Visual Thinking in Mathematics: an Epistemological Study. Ch. 2
- Tufte’s Visual Display of Quantitative Informations. Chartjunk: Vibrations, Grids and Ducks.
- Fairchild, J. Capturing Mathematical Relationships through Representation: a Timeless Human Endeavour.
July/August 2016
- Excerpts from Allwein, G. and Barwise, J. Logical Reasoning with Diagrams
- Lowrie, T., Diezmann, C.M. and Logan, T. Understanding Graphicacy: Students’ Making Sense of Graphics in Mathematics Assessment Tasks
May/June 2016
- Hetland, L., Winner, E. and Vennema, S. Studio Thinking: The Real Benefits of Visual Arts Education. Ch. 1
- de Freitas, E. and Sinclair, N. Diagram, Gesture, Agency: Theorizing Embodiment in the Mathematics Classroom
- Diezmann, C.M. Assessing Diagram Quality: Making a Difference to Representation
April 2016
- Excerpt from: Livio, M.The Equation that couldn’t be Solved: How Mathematical Genius Discovered the Language of Symmetry
- Excerpt from: Ritchhart, R., Church, M. and Morrison, K. Making Thinking Visible
- Diezmann, C.M. and English, L.D. (2001). Promoting the Use of Diagrams as Tools for Thinking
- Lockhart, P. A Mathematician’s Lament
March 2016
- Root-Bernstein, R. and Root-Bernstein M.The Art and Craft of Science
- Shear, J. Visual Thinking, Algebraic Thinking, and a Full Unit-Circle Diagram
- Kadunz, G. and Straesser, R. Image – Metaphor – Diagram: Visualisation in Learning Mathematics.
- Excerpt from Nakatsu, R.T. Diagrammatic Reasoning in AI
December 2015 / January/February 2016
- Excerpts from Bodrova, E. Tools of the Mind: The Vygotskian Approach to Early Childhood Education
- Excerpt from Dewey. Experience and Education
November 2015
- Excerpt from Yamagata-Lynch, L.C. Understanding Cultural Historical Activity Theory
October 2015
- Brown, J.S., Collins, A., Duguid, P. Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning
September 2015
- Excerpt from Knoll, E. Elementary Student Teachers Practising Mathematical Enquiry at Their Level: Experience and Affect
August 2015
- Excerpts from Maynard, P. Drawing Distinctions
Brown, T., Hodson, E. and Smith, K. TIMSS Mathematics has Changed Real Mathematics Forever
July 2015
- Excerpt from Li, R. A Theory of Conceptual Intelligence
June 2015
- Noor Aishikin A. Weaving Mathematics and Culture: Mutual Interrogation as a Methodological Approach
December 2014
- Breitenbach, A. Beauty in Proofs: Kant on Aesthetics in Mathematics
June 2014
- Forrest, M. A Reflection on Arts‐Based Research
May 2014
- Krieger, M.H. Some of What Mathematicians Do
April 2014
- Shapiro, S. Philosophy of Mathematics and its Logic: an Introduction
March 2014
- Skemp, R. Relational Understanding and Instrumental Understanding
- Nuñez, Edwards and Matos: Embodied Cognition as Grounding for Situatedness and Context in Mathematics Education